Picasso Was Born With A Twisted Jaw And Faced A Difficult Life

Picasso Was Born With A Twisted Jaw And Faced A Difficult Life

Picasso the dog was born with a twisted jaw. His breeder didn’t want him, so he was scheduled to be put down. A visitor to the shelter where he was scheduled to be put to sleep, fell in love with the dog and his unique face.

Picasso was at the shelter with his dog brother. Aside from his crooked smile, the dog was in good health. His four siblings were adopted one by one. Ultimately, Picasso’s rescuer visited the shelter specifically asking for dogs with special needs. Lisa rescues dogs that are in high-kill shelters and gives them another chance at life.

Watch the video to see the touching end to the story for Picasso.

All animals deserve to be loved, no matter what they look like.