Cat Discovers That Her Overzealous Cat Brother Is Blind And Learns How To Sneak Away

Cat Discovers That Her Overzealous Cat Brother Is Blind And Learns How To Sneak Away

Triscuit is a stunning cat with orange and yellow coloration. She’d been part of the family for some time when they welcomed a new cat, Shadow. Shadow was blind, but really enjoyed Triscuit’s company. Triscuit on the other hand couldn’t figure out why Shadow was always lunging at her whenever she made the slightest move.

Then one day, it dawned on Triscuit what was happening and how she could get away from her new brother without him knowing. She realized that he could hear her every move, so Triscuit became a stealthy cat.

Watch Triscuit’s slow move to escape the love and attention of Shadow in this hilarious video.

Anyone who has siblings can probably relate to this desire to just be alone sometimes.