Family Finds A Way To Allow Cat That Loves The Outdoors To Explore Safely

Family Finds A Way To Allow Cat That Loves The Outdoors To Explore Safely

Hubert is an indoor cat that a family adopted. Shortly after his adoption, the family quickly discovered that the cat had a love for sneaking outside. The tough part about the situation was that Hubert was not actually accustomed to the Outdoors cats, which meant he could get into trouble while on his adventures. He really needed his time outdoors to remain supervised.

The family decided to make a sign to make it clear that no one should let the cat outdoors. They had some fun with it because this cat’s sweet little eyes just begged to be let outside and most people couldn’t resist.

Watch the video to see this creative sign and how they now allow Hubert outdoors but supervised.

Hubert the indoor cat is getting the exposure to the outside world the way he needs to.