Cat Brings Home A Companion And Startles Her Owner With An Infant Cat

Cat Brings Home A Companion And Startles Her Owner With An Infant Cat

One day a cat came home with a small companion and startled its owners. The cat had found an infant cat and adopted it as its own. This was lucky for the infant kitten because kittens need their moms for the first several weeks of life to survive.

The cat had adopted the kitten as her own and served as its surrogate mother. The cat’s owner was known for being a caring and loving woman and that nature seemed rub off onto her cat. That baby kitten sure lucked out to find the right cat momma.

Watch the video to hear the rest of the touching story of a caring cat who adopted a baby kitten in need of a mother.

There is so much beauty in nature and the natural inclination to care for one another.