Cat Tethered To A Leash To Play Outside Discovers His Wild Twin

Cat Tethered To A Leash To Play Outside Discovers His Wild Twin

Loki is a cat that loves being outside. His owner gets a little bit concerned about letting him play outside alone, so she compromises and tethers him to a leash to play outside. One day while Loki was playing happily outside, she heard quite the commotion. She went out to see what was happening and was surprised to see Loki playing with a cat that looked just like him.

In fact, the two cats could have been twins. The cat’s owner was worried that her domestic house cat might have been harmed during their play. What she found though was that the cat had instead just had fun with the other cat.

Watch the video to learn more about this surprising story.


Now she only lets the cat outside supervised to protect him.