A woman adopted a kitten that was clearly not in the best shape. She said that his eyes seemed a little glazed over but he
Category: Cats
Senior Cat That Keeps Showing Up In Woman’s Yard Was Scared
Tiger the cat kept showing up in a woman’s yard. Since she worked with an animal rescue organization, she knew that these animals need love
Enthusiastic Cat Brought Into Shelter Because He Had Too Much Energy For Owners
Some of the reasons that animals are rejected is truly tragic. One cat was brought into an animal shelter because he was too energetic for
Couple Willingly Adopt Tiny Kitten Left Outside Their Door And Work Hard To Keep Her Alive
A couple found a very tiny kitten on their front doorstep one day. This kitten was very young and so small that it actually looked
Animal Shelter Creates Creative New Campaign To Help Animals Get Adopted
Area 51 has been in the news a lot lately after some people tried planning a raid of the area to see the place where
Car Wash Attendant Sees Kitten Covered In Suds During A Wash
A car was going through the car wash when the attendant spotted a tiny kitten covered in suds standing there in the wash bay. He
Fragile Three-Month-Old Kitten Finds A Home With Three Husky Dog Brothers
Three sisters found a three-month-old kitten that was clearly in need of a friend. This kitten was not doing well as far as its health
Venus The Two-Faced Cat Is An Astounding Sight To See
Venus the cat is an interesting and unique cat. The cat has black fur on one side of its face and orange fur on the
Russian Cat Brought To Shelter Is Now Helping To Care For Other Animals
One cat is really paying it forward. After being rescued, he now cares for other animals at the shelter that need a friend. The cat’s
Photographer Makes Hats Out Of Cat’s Fur That They Have Shed
Most cats shed fur on a regular basis. A photographer has found a new and creative way to use that fur. The photographer makes hats