A beautiful beige cat that lives in the basement of a building found a new friend when it wandered outside. A kind person brought the
Category: Cats
Stray Cat Resting On A Bench Finds A New Friend While Relaxing
A cat is just relaxing on a blue bench outside. It seems content to just hang out there and relax alone but then along comes
Stray Cats That Live Under The Stairs Play And Chase Pigeons
Being a stray cat sometimes makes it sound like their life is all bad. While food isn’t as readily available as it is when cats
Gamer Playing Pokemon Go Finds Trapped Kitten In Need Of Help
A gamer was out one day trying to collect characters in the Pokemon Go augmented reality game. While he was out though, he heard a
Kitten Brought To Live At Train Station To Deter Rodents Finds A Great Home
When she was just eight weeks old, this kitten was brought to a train station to deter rodents from the area. The cat proved to
Cat And Parrot Are Best Friends And Do Everything Together All Day Long
Birds and cats are not likely friends, but this duo proves that you just never know who your best friend might be. A cat and
Cat In Need Of Immediate Attention Finds Help From A Stranger
Teddy the cat was found on the streets in terrible shape. He had flees and cuts all over his body. The poor cat needed attention
A Woman Comes Upon A Sleeping Cat That Looks Peaceful And Beautiful
From a distance, a woman watched as a cat peacefully slept on the sidewalk. The cat’s stomach rhythmically rises and falls. The cat looks beautiful
Autistic Little Girl Who Had Never Spoken A Word Transforms When She Adopts A Kitten
Iris was diagnosed with autism early on in life. Her parents were informed that she may never speak or be able to communicate effectively. The
Two Ginger Kittens Refuse To Be Separated And Loving Owner Welcomes Both
Two ginger kittens were found abandoned. There was a local woman that people knew cared deeply for animals in need, so they called her in