Paralyzed Kitten Gets Adopted And Finds New Loving Home Where Her Owner Understands Her Needs

Paralyzed Kitten Gets Adopted And Finds New Loving Home Where Her Owner Understands Her Needs

A small cat was paralyzed from the waist down due to injury. A woman who rescues cats in need from a local shelter saw her and knew she was a cat who needed her. So she adopted the paralyzed cat and brought her home.

The woman knew nothing about how to care for and raise a cat with a disability like that, so she asked around to get input from experts on what the cat needed outside the normal pet needs. She put out yoga mats to help the cat get traction with her front paws and get around the house.

Watch the video and see how this cat is getting around now with the help from her loving owner.

What a beautiful cat that simply had some special needs.