Shy Feral Cat That Two Men Kept Feeding Arrives One Day With A Surprise For Them

Shy Feral Cat That Two Men Kept Feeding Arrives One Day With A Surprise For Them

Two men kept putting out cat food for a hungry feral cat. The cat was scared of people and wouldn’t eat until the men left. So they would regularly put out the food and quickly walk away so that the cat could enjoy the food. But as time went on, the cat got more comfortable with people.

After a long time of feeding the cat, she arrived one day with an astounding surprise for them. She had a litter of kittens and the men were greatly moved.

What these two guys do next is beautiful and proof that there is still good in this world. Watch the video to see the rest of the story.

What a treat for those kittens to be rescued from a life on the streets.