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Why Are Cats Scared of Cucumbers and Bananas

Cat scared of cucumber meme

Cat Afraid of Cucumber Meme

Cats are some of the cutest and most mysterious creatures in existence. They can be cuddling with you one minute, playing with a toy mouse the other, and then just start staring at one spot on the wall for what seems like an hour with no explanation why. That mystery is what makes them such an intriguing creature to me, and adding to this never-ending mystery of cats are the bizarre fears that they can harbor. 

The most bizarre of which is their fear of both cucumbers and bananas. This fear is both hilarious and also completely logical when you dive into what goes into the basis of it. While it can be funny, it’s actually a fear, based on survival instincts. You must be thinking, “Do cats think that cucumbers and bananas will kill them?” and the answer is yes and no. Let’s dive in before you get any more confused.

What’s with Cats and Cucumbers?

If you watch cat videos online, you will have seen one where they are just terrified of a cucumber or banana. The reason behind this is a survival instinct based on cats being genetically wired to not approach snakes. Snakes have long been an enemy of cats, dating way back to ancient Egypt, where cats were the pets of royalty.

It starts to make more sense that a similarly shaped food like bananas would also cause a cat to freak out and jump away. They are simply trying to avoid being bitten by what they assume is a snake. What’s interesting is that even after a period of time looking at the cucumber or banana, the cat still doesn’t trust that it’s not a snake due to its shape.

This is not exclusive to cucumbers or bananas. Anything on the ground that has a similar shape, including things like corn or eggplant may cause a similar reaction. In my experience, guitar wires that are long, coiled, and black, cause my cat to temporarily freak out. While you might find it funny to watch these videos, it’s not a nice thing to do to your cat as it can really mess with them up mentally. Giving them a fright is not great for their physical health either. 

The mental damage aspect is particularly bad. You might think that you can just avoid showing your cat cucumbers (or similar shapes) and it’ll be fine. However, the cat actually associates the environment with their fear response. This means your cat could possibly start relating an area like your couch to being in danger which this could be really tough for your cat to get over.

What Else Are Cats Afraid Of?

Cats are very suspicious of the unknown. This can include foods, random objects, smells, and even people. Going back to the cucumbers and bananas, cats can also be affected by the chemicals that come from the skin of the banana as that is actually toxic to them.


Cats have been known to avoid many fruits, due to toxins found in them, specifically oranges, lemons, and limes. Keep your fruits away from your cat unless you want a feline that is not too happy wandering near your kitchen. 


Cats are famously afraid of water too, which makes them incredibly tricky to bathe. This is because when they get wet, they lose essential oils in their fur which can hurt their skin. Some cats actually like getting wet, and thrive in it. Do your research to figure out if your cat is one of the water weary or not. 


Cats really dislike the smell of mustard, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, and thyme. The smells from the oils are toxic to cats. Even if they’re natural, these scents will send cats running in the other direction. Be be mindful where your cat is, if you’re cooking with these spices or herbs. 


Cats and dogs are famously paired as rivals in cartoons. They generally do not get along well. They see each other as completely different creatures despite their similarities. Because cats hate competition, they often get aggressive and misinterpret a dog’s intentions. Dogs are also usually much bigger, which makes the collaboration between the two of them tricky. This doesn’t mean they can never get along. There are plenty of cases where cats and dogs are great friends! It just usually takes some time to make it happen. 



Cats are a constant ball of fur and mystery for their owner to decipher. One of the biggest mysteries has always been the fear of cucumbers and bananas. Now you know your cat’s fears are a justified natural instinct. Hopefully, you’ll understand that putting these objects near them isn’t a fun game but a traumatic event that could damage your cat’s mental health. 


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